System updates

We’ve been working on a series of smaller changes that will hopefully make lives easier:

  • You can use {case_summary_time} in templates on case button templates in global settings.
  • If you link an outcome record to a case, all the other outcomes for that person and date/time will be linked to the same case too.
  • You can make groups of archived profiles.
  • Closing a relationship gives you a clearer warning message.
  • You won’t get asked if you’re sure when removing someone from the attendance table in a work record.
  • You can group by all the contact fields, and also the allow_… that weren’t available previously.
  • The contact permission allow_* fields can be used as essential fields.
  • If you have simple project sharing, you can now share with several projects at once in the profile
  • In referrals, the ‘referral success’ field has been moved above the text fields (so it doesn’t get covered by them)
  • If you have the global setting selected to show description and follow up in work record tables, you’ll also now see an extra ‘description’ column in tables of referrals, with a summary of the referral, including the notes.  This column will be hidden by default.
  • The profile ID has been added to the download of all responses in evaluation reports.
  • The recently viewed profiles on home page will now remember your table layout.
  • Searches use phones / mobile phones if they spot one (you’ll need to type enough to not look like an ID – for example ‘07911’ will search for records with that ID, but ‘07911 4’ will search for mobile phone numbers starting with that (the space is important, it stops it from looking like a number).