Sixteen Minutes

That’s how long it took Matt to set up a website to accept new referrals into Lamplight.

Last week’s webinar was about the publishing module. Sixteen minutes from turning the module on, to seeing the first test data appear. And explaining it as he went.

If you have any reason to link your website to Lamplight, you can watch the webinar in the Hub or directly here and see how quick and easy it can be.

In the webinar we created a ‘referral and profile’ widget. You end up with a form on your website which creates a new profile and referral record, including custom fields. And no coding required, just some copy and paste.

Watching the webinar is 30 minutes. Maybe it takes an hour to set up the link to your website. The module costs £5 / month. How many referrals do you need to receive through your website to save you that in data entry time?