
Privacy notices

  1. On our public website

Lamplight uses analytics cookies on our website to help us understand use of our website.

  1. On the contact page on the website

Lamplight will use the data that you give us to provide you with the information you have requested. We will not pass your information on to anyone else or use it for any other purpose.

From time to time, Lamplight sends out information including hints, tips and information about our training days, and other services and products. If you would like to receive that information, please tick the box.

  1. Email on signing the hosting agreement (relying on soft opt-in under PECR)

Lamplight will use the personal information you have sent us to provide you with the services and products we have agreed. We will not pass your information on to anyone else without your permission.

As a customer, Lamplight will also provide you with information which is essential to administering and managing your account – such as invoices or notices of downtime. This will be sent by email.

We will also provide you with information about our training dates, modules, and services which may interest you. If you do not wish to receive this information please tick this box. You will be able to opt-out of this at any time.

  1. On an applicant applying for a job

If you apply for a job you consent to Lamplight processing your data for the purposes of considering your application for employment with Lamplight. We will not pass your details on to anyone else. Your data will be retained for no longer than 12 months from the date on which offers are made.