Tweak: collect feedback data directly

Most people tend to love a story, whether it’s written, being shared, you’re reading or listening to one. A story helps to paint a picture and shows life from a different angle. 

Funders are no different; case studies and testimonials of the true impact you are making to the people/organisations you work with showcases your work and enhances the statistics you’re also sharing with them. 

But you’re busy, getting feedback is hard, and even if you do send surveys out, the paperwork is another admin job that is hard to make a priority around everything else.  

Our Data Direct module has been designed to help with that. Send people surveys online and their responses are fed directly back into Lamplight – data in, without the data entry. Of course the scope is much larger than just feedback forms…come and join us for our Free webinar where we introduce this time-saving module. Thursday 1st December at 12pm – book your place in the Hub

This is another of those “there must be a better way” things. Can you pause for a few minutes to try out a new approach that’s going to save you time and hassle down the line?

Photo by Ying Ge on Unsplash  5Ying Ge (@yingzge) | Unsplash Photo Community