We’ve decided to make the communications module available for free to any customer that needs to add it to their system, for at least the next 3 months. We hope this will be helpful if you are changing the way you work and need to stay in touch with your service users and supporters in different ways. We’ve done a short introductory video to help you get it set up.
Other changes we’ve made:
- Improved the setup for email. Lamplight can work out the SMTP server settings needed for the most popular email providers, so in many cases all you need to do is enter your email password. Lamplight will also send a test email so you can see straight away whether everything’s working.
- Individual operators can set their own email account details, so admins don’t need to do it for them.
- Communications can now have a date from and to, so you can store and report on duration of communication records.
- The ‘reply to’ email address will be the email of the sending account (you often get errors if these are different).
You can add modules to your system via the system admin menu > Customise Lamplight > Add or remove modules.