Free Information Security Tools from The National Cyber Security Centre

The National Cyber Security Centre is doing some great work to make information security topics more accessible. As information security can be a complex topic, the people-focused approach taken in these resources mean that they are very user friendly. We’d like to share a few resources we feel are highly beneficial for the small to medium charities that we work with.

1. Online learning to help your staff get to grips with cyber security 

The training is suitable for small organisations and provides a good grounding in information security for all your staff. It highlights the actions you can take to reduce the likelihood of you becoming a victim of the most common cyber-attacks and actively involves your staff in answering questions, identifying possible issues, and making suggestions for how to prevent, and tackle common cyber security challenges. We used it as part of our induction last summer and feedback from our team members was positive.  

2. New alert service to help detect cyber threats

The Early Warning service notifies you early if they detect online attacks targeting your network. It’s free, it’s very quick and easy to sign up, and it provides another layer of information security for your organisation. The service will send you notifications if an issue arises. As time is a priority in these cases, being warned as soon as possible is an integral part of rectifying and solving the issue.

3. Small Charity Guide 

This resource is specifically for small charities to help them improve their information security and to feel better-equipped in the face of challenges that can come with rapid technological advancement. It covers a range of valuable topics from ‘backing up your data’ to ‘using passwords to protect your data’ and is super simple to download. 

Related post: Why It’s Important To Review Your Operator Security Policies