There is so much to think about

Running an organisation is hard. Especially at the moment. And sometimes I wonder if running a small organisation is harder than a big one.

There’s more at stake in a larger organisation, I guess – all the numbers are bigger. But you also have more resources available – a head of HR, an IT Director and so on that you can call on. In a small organisation, more often than not, you wear all of those hats and a dozen others.

I don’t have the time or inclination to become an HR expert, so at Lamplight we outsource that to Citrus HR, who provide helpful, knowledgeable advice when we need it. When a question comes up, the time we don’t have to spend figuring it out is well worth the cost of the service. No to mention the costs of doing things wrong.

Now we’ve always wanted Lamplight to be something that you can do yourself. We wanted to be different to the suppliers that didn’t provide any control over the system, and would charge you to add a field or report or something. We want to empower and enable our customers.

But we’ve also come to recognise that’s not for everyone. That actually wearing lots of hats can be exhausting. For some people, it’s not empowerment, it’s a burden.

Is this familiar? How do you decide what to outsource and pay for, and what to figure out yourself as you go? What’s the first thing you would you like to hand over if you could?

We’d love to know how you different non-profits approach this – ping us @LamplightDb or LinkedIn

Image from Oxford Covered Market by Kamyar Adl License